Ethiopian immigrants returned from Kenya

Ethiopian illegal immigrants who were on their way to Beirut and other Arab countries have been returned home from Kenya, the Federal Police has said.

When they left Ethiopia three days ago, the immigrants were told by their illegal brokers that recipients would await them at the airport, the Federal Police said. Instead, they were forced to spend the night at the airport.

25 of the illegal immigrants were flown back home with the full sponsorship of the Ethiopian embassy in Nairobi while the rest are awaiting their turns.The immigrants who had paid three to five thousand Birr to illegal brokers for the failed mission have denounced the unlawful activities of the illegal brokers and vowed to work and grow in their own country.

Meanwhile the Federal Police disclosed that it is working closely with counterparts in neighboring nations in fighting lawbreakers. It called on the public to contribute share in the fight against offenders.

Source: ERTA


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